
It’s Not to Late to Begin Again

For many years, I lived my life as a miserable Christian. I carried around tons of guilt, shame, fear, and condemnation. I had Church protocol mastered, but I had no real clue of what Christ really did for me. I became a religious workhorse, hoping that all my good deeds would cause God to forget my bad ones. When I realized I am too imperfect to keep such a perfect standard on my own, I cried out to God, “show me something different about this life or I’m going to try something different.” In His kindness, God answered my request. 

Hello New Creation is the byproduct of me searching the scriptures to discover what it means to be saved by a great God. It is a study guide that teaches the new Believer or unsure believer their new identity in Christ. Through the use of scriptures, video lessons, and an interactive guide the participant will have an assurance of who they are in Christ; and they will have the confidence and information needed to disciple others in discovering their identity in Him.


What You Get

  • Extensive Interactive Workbook + Study Guide

  • 8+ Hours of Self Guided Video Curriculum

  • Exclusive Access to a Private Facebook Group Community




Gain confidence in knowing your identity in Christ.


Have a greater understanding and confidence in God’s love for you.


Experience a deeper relationship with God as you gain a better understanding of who you are in Him.

Learn how to disciple others in understanding who they are in Christ.



Workbook Features

  • Over 76 scriptures that reveal who you are in Christ.

  • Questions to enrich your Bible study experience.

  • Weekly assignments to help you embrace the New Creation they are in Christ.

  • Discipleship Scenarios that help you gain confidence in using scripture to assist someone in better understanding who they are in Christ.

  • Additional resources to enhance your understanding of your identity in Christ


Session Breakdowns

Lesson 1: I Am Saved 

Many people will proudly proclaim they are saved, but they are not able to tell others what that truly means. In this lesson, we tackle the who, what, when, where, and how of Salvation. By the end of this portion of the study, we believe you will have more confidence in your salvation, and you will be able to better explain your faith to others.

Lesson 2: I Am Forgiven

Salvation takes care of our soul, but many Christians have difficulty finding freedom from the sins of their past. As a result of this internal struggle, many people forfeit the freedom of New Life in Christ holding on to the past sins. During this session, we take the time to explore who makes our forgiveness possible; and whether there is a sin that cannot be forgiven. Lastly, we discuss what our response should be to God’s forgiveness. This lesson will give you the assurance you need to know you have truly been forgiven.

Lesson 3: Ransomed & Redeemed

God paid an extremely high price for each of our lives, and every Christian should be aware of just how much we cost him. Through scripture, we take you behind the scenes of God’s plan of redemption for your life. We discuss how the payment was made, and how you should live knowing you were bought with a price. You are not cheap, and this lesson will help you stop living like you are.

Lesson 4: I am Free

The Resurrection ensured our freedom, but many believers still live enslaved to condemnation, self-righteousness, etc. In this portion of our study, we will explore what it means to be free in Christ. We will investigate what we are free to do; and how we should live as a result our freedom in Christ. After this lesson, you will be assured of the freedom you have as a child of God, and that is good news.


Lesson 5: I am Loved

The world is full of people looking for love in all the wrong places, and sadly some Christians are looking elsewhere as well. However, there is no greater love than God’s love for us. The problem is many of us are not aware of just how great it is for us. During this session, we investigate the depths of God’s love for us. We will discover how we should respond to such a love, and how we can share that love with others.

Lesson 6: I am a Child of God/Joint heir of Christ

One of the beautiful benefits of our salvation is that we become members of a new family. This family is huge and full of people of all ages, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, and denominations. Module six reveals how we become part of this family, and what it means to be accepted as a son of God. Considering our God is King of kings, we discuss how to conduct ourselves as members of a royal family. You will no longer have to worry about being wanted because you will be fully persuaded that you are a child of the King.


Lesson 7:  I am Righteous, Holy, & Byproduct of Grace

There is a beautiful freedom in knowing what is available to us through Jesus Christ. It keeps us from being hoodwinked out of promises by the enemy, and it keeps us from being led astray by false doctrine. In this module, we discuss what it means to be righteous, and who makes our righteousness possible for us. We hope that after this lesson, the believer will resist the temptation of self-righteousness and take rest in Christ meeting the standard for all us.

Lesson 8: The Charge

Now that you know who we are, you have a duty to help others discover who they are in Christ. Our final module encourages you to remember you have been called. It challenges you to make The Great Commission a top priority, and it provides a final exhortation for you to live like you are loved, ransomed, forgiven, and free in Christ.


What Others Are Saying


My experience with the Identity in Christ Study was phenomenal! I found it very imperative to know exactly who I was in Christ. knowing exactly who I am in Christ allowed me to be set free from the bondage, lies and false perceptions I accepted as truths. Charity, as a teacher, was patient enough, persistent enough, and loving enough to teach me a beautiful method called "Return Back to Sender" also known as casting down every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. It was a game changer for my spiritual life. It is now my hope and prayer that others get this and many other beautiful revelations of their identity in Christ like I did. -Roxanne H.

I had the privilege of being with the first group of The Identity in Christ study with Charity Israel, and it was life changing.  I just separated from my husband of 6yrs and found myself in a dark place from grieving the loss of my father and 5 months later the tragic loss of my mother.  It helped me face the truth and get to the core of my issues. Lastly it helped build a long, lasting, loving relationship with God and with myself.  Prepare to be challenged and ready to yield to the work He has in store for you!- Delivered Carolyn


I would say as a teacher and guide you are an answer to prayer, and the identity in Christ study was life changing. When I would do other studies, I felt anxiety and unsure of where to start to work on my relationship with God. I would always fall short and not complete them; but working with you and hearing your testimony made it real. It was a blessing going through the study with you because your honesty made what you were teaching more tangible for me. -Sarah J

 The Identity In Christ” study was amazing! Charity is truly anointed, and she is truly God sent. Throughout the entire course, she prayed for us, guided us, and encouraged us. At the end of our time together, I truly felt like I was a New Creation. She is amazing.- Tremel H.