2022 will be the Year of the Lord’s favor for his sons who sacrificed greatly in 2021. The Lord had you surrender and crucify some things that caused you great pain, but you are going to quickly see why it had to be done. God was answering your request for him to be Lord of your life. He was answering your request to go higher and deeper in him. He was showing you what you could not trust about yourself and what you could not rely on in others. He proved himself as your source in 2021, and you are getting ready to see him as your supply in 2022.
Read MoreI am changing up your methods on how to get the message out. Do not resist the wind of change. New names and new audiences are coming. As I give you the tongue of the learned (Isaiah 50:4), you will attract those who want to be doers (James 1:22)…
Read More2021 will be the year of the Lord, and he will manifest His power and presence in ways we have never known personally. He will exalt the humble quickly and bring down the proud quicker (Proverbs 29:23; Matthew 23:12). He is changing the guards and setting into place those who have a heart for the church, God’s people. 2021 is the year God makes His presence known and proves himself to those who dare to believe His word.
Read MoreAt the time, my religious mind only saw the Church being those who dwelled in the four walls. Once I started studying and living, I realized the Church is everyone that called on the name of the Lord to be saved. My little pea brain assumed God was sentencing me to a life of religion, Church politics, and people pleasing for the sake of staying on good terms with the gatekeepers of modern Christianity. To my amazement and great pleasure, He was actually asking for the opposite.
Read MoreYour new beginning will require a new perspective. I hope you’ll be up for the task of changing your mind which will ultimately change your life.
Read MoreNipsey Hussle like us Christians is proof that redemption is possible. A man who was once a slave to the streets became a king in his community. He did not give much focus to what was, but he gave more thought to what could be. He was 100% flawed, and yet the perfect vessel to fulfill his purpose on earth.
Read MorePeople who live righteously know the authority they possess over the enemy through Jesus Christ. They know what the word of God says rightfully belongs to them, and they will not back down until they see God’s word performed. When a righteous person prays they are putting their faith in the power of their God, and he responds to it.
Read MoreGet ready for God to redeem the time and grant you access to people and places that will help you get His will accomplished. Here is the word for September 9, 2018…
Read MoreGod is getting ready to reward you for the effort you have made, and the enemy will have to compensate you for every place and point of demonic interference via frustration, confusion, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and sabotage. Clarity is coming.
Read MoreLately, trusting Him has resulted in disappointment. Trusting him has resulted in great loss for me. As I thought of all the times I went up for prayer; believed for something; or was required to give something up these words flowed from my lips, “God I hate you!”
Read MoreYou have been well acquainted with sorrow, but you are about to know Joy in a way that you have never known her. Your garments have been changed, and there is no need for grave clothes. You shall live and declare the works of the Lord. Your perseverance will be rewarded. Your confession of faith shall be manifested. You will be divinely compensated for your commit to righteousness.
Read MoreThe actions of others never remove our responsibility to love them as God commanded. Whether the person has decided to be a friend or an enemy against us, we are called to LOVE them both the same.
Read MoreEveryone is welcomed to receive salvation if they so desire it. There are no prerequisites. There are no background or credit checks. Your I.Q is not taken into consideration. Your family history does not keep you from it. Your past is not held against you. Everyone means EVERYONE.
Read MoreIn our humanity, holding an offense will always be justified, but our call to “live according to the Spirit” nullifies that human right (Rom. 8:5). The life of an intercessor will present us with moments to be greatly offended; but we have to be wise intercessors and keep “allowances for offenses” in stock. The enemy would love nothing more than to hold you hostage, from you assignment, by the offenses you refuse to let go.
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