New Paths of Accelerated Success
Still keeping with the word a Season of Recompense that I posted on August 2, 2018, I received this during my prayer time this morning. The day was pretty hectic, but I wanted to share it before the night was over. Get ready for God to redeem the time and grant you access to people and places that will help you get His will accomplished. Here is the word for September 9, 2018:
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”-Isaiah 43:19
I will use unconventional ways to get My people in places of influence. They will take nontraditional routes to achieve great success. What took others years to achieve will be accomplished in half the time. An acceleration is occurring to position those who have given God an unadulterated “Yes” opportunity to be positioned in their area of influence for God’s glory.
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