Posts tagged prophetic word
Word for 2022: The year of the Lord's favor for the sons of God

2022 will be the Year of the Lord’s favor for his sons who sacrificed greatly in 2021. The Lord had you surrender and crucify some things that caused you great pain, but you are going to quickly see why it had to be done. God was answering your request for him to be Lord of your life. He was answering your request to go higher and deeper in him. He was showing you what you could not trust about yourself and what you could not rely on in others. He proved himself as your source in 2021, and you are getting ready to see him as your supply in 2022.

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The Word for 2021: This is the Year of God

2021 will be the year of the Lord, and he will manifest His power and presence in ways we have never known personally. He will exalt the humble quickly and bring down the proud quicker (Proverbs 29:23; Matthew 23:12). He is changing the guards and setting into place those who have a heart for the church, God’s people. 2021 is the year God makes His presence known and proves himself to those who dare to believe His word.

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