The Word for 2021: This is the Year of God
This message was given to me on December 30, 2020. I shared it via Facebook Live on January 5, 2021, and I forgot to upload the written message here. I encourage you to read it, read the scriptures, and take it back to Holy Spirit to make sure it is a word for this season of your life. This is what I believe the Lord is saying about 2021:
This year is about Me. It is about discovering how many ways your life can bring glory to me. It is about discovering how many ways the Gospel and love of God can be shared with others (Luke 24:23). It is about discovering how many ways the Kingdom of God can be expanded in the earth. It is about being in full pursuit of what is righteous. Holy, and pleasing unto me. 2021 is the year for sons of God to be fully manifested in the earth.
They will perform miracles, signs, and wonders (Mark 16:16-18). Salvation will be their main concern and message (1 Corinthians 2:2). They will look for ways to enlarge and introduce the kingdom of God to others (1 Corinthians 9:21-23). They will obtain favor with men and doors of opportunity will be unlocked for them in their sphere of influence (Luke 9:2-5). They are not just men of the cloth, but they are people of the marketplace that have an insatiable desire to see disciples of Jesus Christ in every arena. They use their talents to draw people to Christ (Matthew 5:16). They use their resources to help kingdom causes. They develop unique partnerships for the sole purpose of the kingdom of God (Luke 16:7-9). They are not moved by public opinion, but they are focused on doing what honors their God (Colossians 3:23). Their words are seasoned with salt (Col 4:6), and love compels them to speak and do (Matthew 22:36-40). They are people of faith who work diligently on the assignments that promote God’s agenda in the earth. They are not cowards, and they boldly proclaim what thus says the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). They are people of no reputation like their Savior (Philippians 2:6,7). They have counted the cost and are committed to living the life they know for the life God desires to give them (Luke 14:26-33, Matthew 10:38, 39).
2021 will be the year of the Lord, and he will manifest His power and presence in ways we have never known personally. He will exalt the humble quickly and bring down the proud quicker (Proverbs 29:23; Matthew 23:12). He is changing the guards and setting into place those who have a heart for the church, God’s people. 2021 is the year God makes His presence known and proves himself to those who dare to believe His word. 2021 is the year of the Lord, and he will cause quick promotions or demotions based on how we respond to His word. 2021 is the year of the Lord.