Preach Jesus!

When I decided to accept my calling as a minister of the Gospel, I did it after much prayer and contemplation. I knew it was answering a call to be a servant; teach the Truth; persecuted for righteousness's sake; to minister not manipulate others; and intentionally pursue a lifestyle of Holiness. I remember one day, I was preparing a sermon, and I was frustrated because it didn't seem "deep" enough. I wanted to make sure I could prove I could preach. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Holy Spirit said, "Does this message get people to see Jesus or you?🧐 I reluctantly said, "me."🥴 Then he checked me REAL GOOD. He said, "if your message can't get people back to Jesus it isn't one worth preaching." I immediately started over, and from that day I've concerned myself with people seeing Jesus in the messages instead of me. I started to model my messages after Christ not what I learned in Minister's Training or in the Theology department at my university.

I am confident each time I minister because I know Christ is the theme throughout the message. I'm sharing this because some of us are on the brink of falling into false doctrine because we're trying to impress people instead of simply introduce them to Christ. You will never have to worry about veering from the Gospel message if "his life, burial, and Resurrection" are the themes of your message. Stop pursuing the deep things without the main thing, JESUS CHRIST! It doesn't get any deeper than that as a minister of His gospel!!! I pray you find freedom in making Him the most important part of your message and not you.

Dear Christian, People are afraid and feeling hopeless. It's time to shine as a beacon of hope, truth, and love. In other words, your light is needed. Please turn it on..png