New Beginnings or Old Cycles?
I know there are some people who will declare that this is a season of New Beginnings since the number eight stands for it in Biblical numerology. However, if your mind hasn't changed your will won't change. If your will doesn't change, your behavior won't change. If your behavior doesn't change, your life won't change.
Truth is, you must be an active participant in the change you desire to see in your life. You may be broke now, but you can start changing your perspective on money by reading books about Personal Finance, Investments, etc. You may not have the money to afford a personal trainer, but you can start walking in your neighborhood or exercising via YouTube. You may not be in your dream home, but you can be a better steward of your current living space.
I believe that for those of us who dare to do what's necessary to change our perspective in certain areas of our lives will truly experience a new beginning. The rest of us will keep naming, claiming, praying, and repeating the same cycles in our lives. Jesus did his part by dying and getting up from the grave. The Holy Spirit does his job by leading us into all truth; and we must do the job of renewing our minds, changing our perspective, in order to change our behavior and ultimately our lives. I pray we will and if you do August will definitely be a month of New Beginnings for you. Welcome to August beautiful people!