The Single Challenge

The Single Challenge is a three to six months period where an individual is NOT involved in any ROMANTIC relationship. During this time the person cultivates his or her relationship with God, themselves, and their community. It is an opportunity for self-discovery and discipline. This challenge is NOT for everyone but if you fit in one of these five categories, I would encourage you to try it:

  • The Repeat Offender-You date the same “type” of person just a different name. You often blame the opposite sex for your heartache when it’s your selection process that is the problem.

  • The Chameleon Dater- You have become “All Things to Everyone” you have dated. You have altered your personality so much that you DO NOT know who you are any more, if you ever knew.

  • A Lost Cause Dater-You truly desire to be a more devout lover of God. But EVERY TIME you decide “I’m going to follow God” you are led astray by another.

  • The Bleeding Heart-You recently ended a relationship that you invested your all.  Your identity revolved around this person, and now that they are gone you DO NOT know who you are any more.

  • The Explorer-You know you need to discover who you are but have NO CLUE on where to start.

If you fit any of those five categories, we would love for you to join us on the next three month challenge. It will be a great time of discovery, accountability, and learning to enjoy your Single life. I’m excited about what is in store for you. Don’t forget the CLICK THE LINK!

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