[DIGITAL] 40 Days to Freedom: A Guide to Releasing the Past to Embrace Your Future

[DIGITAL] 40 Days to Freedom: A Guide to Releasing the Past to Embrace Your Future


Throughout our life’s journey we are constantly presented with the option of suppressing our pain or confronting it. Most people suppress it because tending to our emotional wounds require too much work. On the surface, suppression appears to be a quick-fix for our life, but it really is a cancer that attacks our future.

 In the book 40 Days to Freedom: A Guide to Releasing the Past to Embrace Your Future, first time author, Charity Israel, uses memoirs from her life to help facilitate the reader through the process of releasing his or her past to enjoy their future. By the end of 40 days, you will:

  • be more secure in your relationship with your Creator.

  • find freedom from the emotional baggage that has cluttered your life.

  • find courage to speak the truths needed to find closure with God, yourself, and others.

  • discover ways to cultivate healthy relationships.

  • begin to enjoy a future free from the cancer of your past.

The journey to freedom will require time, grace, and truth. Thankfully, you will have a guide to get you there. There is an amazing future waiting to be embraced by you, but you will have to let go of the past to access it. Allow this book to help you do it.

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